
Control and maintenance of infrastructures and buildings

The construction industry faces a number of challenges: reducing its energy and environmental footprint, supporting urban change and integrating technological transformations. To ensure the safety of your construction projects, while controlling your risks and optimising your performance, Apave's experts in India are with you every step of the way.


Your Key Issues

  • Guaranteeing the solidity of infrastructures and equipment
  • Meeting the energy performance requirements of buildings and facilities
  • Ensuring that infrastructures and equipment comply with the law
  • Reassuring employees that a safety culture is in place
  • Deploying a health and safety culture in the workplace
  • Anticipating equipment replacement, breakdowns and risks
  • Limiting environmental risks

Contact us

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any information or quotation you may require.

Our solutions


Inspection of electrical installations


Inspecting an electrical installation is an important step during the construction or renovation of a site and after it has been commissioned. It ensures that the installation complies with current technical safety regulations and that it is safe and ready for use. It is mandatory for any new electrical installation, any major modification to an existing installation and for periodic inspections.

Once it has been commissioned, the electrical installation must be inspected periodically to ensure that it remains in good condition from the point of view of technical safety rules.


Apave provides assistance, in all the necessary steps to have a compliant electrical installation, guaranteeing the safety of its users:

  • Electrical diagnosis

This is used to determine the characteristics and technical specifications of the electrical installation in a given location, to detect any malfunctions, to determine the corresponding regulatory provisions, to guide the installation operator towards technical solutions, to check that cables and conduits are installed in electrical sheaths to avoid the risks of fire and electrocution, to choose wires according to the current to be carried, etc.

  • Designing, building and operating electrical installations.
  • Acceptance of electrical equipment.
  • Analysis of electrical incidents and technical recommendations for remedying them.
  • Infrared thermography inspection of electrical installations and equipment.
  • Assessing the conformity of electrical installations and machine safety conditions in accordance with the relevant international directives and standards.
  • Recording of electrical data and analysis of electrical signal quality.


Apave carries out regulatory technical inspections of your electrical diagrams:

  • Checking that installations comply with technical and regulatory requirements when they are commissioned or after they have undergone major modification.
  • Periodic regulatory safety inspections.


Technical inspection of buildings


Apave in India is accredited as a technical inspection office for technical building inspections.

Technical inspection is mandatory for new buildings (subject to a declaration of works, an application for planning permission and/or an application for authorisation to work). Building inspections must be carried out before a building, part of a building or any other structure used for a purpose other than that for which it was built is put into service.


In order to guarantee the reliability and quality of the works, we carry out technical building inspections for :

  • The soundness of the works
  • Personal safety
  • Verification of technical installations that are inseparably linked to buildings:
    • Electricity: high and low voltage,
    • Fluids: heating, air conditioning, plumbing, sanitary, gas installations, etc.
    • Fire safety, automatic fire and gas detection, etc;
    • Lifting: lifts, lifts for goods, escalators, hoists, etc.
  • Issuing technical opinions on products and processes
  • Technical assistance
  • Carrying out additional technical assistance assignments requested by the client (energy saving, operation of specific installations, accessibility of buildings for the disabled, etc.)
  • Assessing existing structures with a view to supervising renovation work
  • Carrying out a wide range of structural tests in compliance with technical rules and standards

We work with you throughout your construction/rehabilitation project to identify any anomalies and put in place the necessary measures to remedy them. We use all the general techniques applicable to technical inspections (non-destructive testing, infrared thermography, etc.).


Fire risk prevention


Fire safety in your business is paramount. It's important to call in professionals to carry out regular inspections. They can advise you on the measures you need to take to prevent fires and help you install the necessary equipment.


The Fire prevention service is an excellent way of ensuring that your company's fire prevention measures are up to date and comply with current standards. The aim is also to raise awareness among employees and employers of fire risks and the preventive measures to be put in place.


Apave works with public, industrial and tertiary establishments:

  • Periodic checks of the protective condition of the establishment, of the measures implemented to prevent the outbreak, development and spread of a fire, and of the fire-fighting resources, as well as an assessment of the safety organisation
  • Assessment of regulatory compliance (access, evacuation, etc.)
  • Inspections and tests of natural and mechanical smoke extraction systems
  • Examination and approval of studies, monitoring and acceptance of fire-fighting equipment (fire extinguishers, RIAs, sprinkler systems, automatic gas extinguishers, fire hydrants, etc.)
  • Examination and approval of studies, monitoring and acceptance of works, Smoke extraction installations (mechanical and natural)
  • Inspection and risk assessment for insurance companies
  • Technical assistance and advice on health and safety for workers on construction sites
  • Conducting actual evacuation drills
  • Eliminating the causes of a fire through technical and organisational measures
  • Limiting the human and material consequences of a fire through effective detection and appropriate fire-fighting resources
  • Intervening and evacuating quickly in the event of a fire

Our NDT Methods

NDT uses special equipment and methods to learn (variations in structure, minute changes in surface finish, and the presence of cracks or other physical discontinuities), to measure the thickness of materials and coatings and to determine other characteristics about the object without harming the object.

NDT is a science. It uses physics, chemistry and mathematics. NDT methods are based on a particular scientific principle, & use some form of energy to collect information.

NDT is an art. Choosing the right method and technique is an important part of performing NDT to maximize the “Probability of Detection”.

Apave inspector with a X ray NDT
demag of turbine part
Control and maintenance of industrial goods

Industrial goods, engineering materials and product forms are the building blocks of an industrial facility.  Soundness of the materials and product forms in terms of the required chemical composition, physical & mechanical properties, homogeneity, etc. is crucial for their performance avoiding premature failures resulting in accidents, plant or machinery breakdown, thus significantly impacting the safety of personnel, environment, economy and reputation.

Apave in India supports you throughout the operation of your facilities, inspecting your equipment and working alongside you to anticipate any malfunctions.

CPR in live workshop
Control and maintenance of pressure equipment

In the industrial context, pressure equipment is of crucial importance, both for the safety of installations and the performance of processes. Manufacturing, oil, chemical and other industries rely heavily on pressure equipment to ensure the continuity of their operations. Managing pressure equipment involves major challenges in terms of safety and compliance with regulatory standards. The potential risks of industrial accidents causing environmental damage and negatively impacting human safety. Apave in India carries out regular inspections, compliance assessments and risk analyses to ensure the proper operation and safety of pressure equipment.


Consulting & technical support

Consulting and technical support play a crucial role in project management. It involves planning, advising, conceptualising, and implementing solutions taking into consideration industry expertise and best practices to help organisations to improve the quality and result of the projects they are implementing. 

Apave's technical teams in India are experienced and qualified to guide you through all your projects: from small installations to mega-projects integrated through several phases, from the design phase to the final commissioning phase, while dealing with all the design, engineering, quality, safety, sustainability and environmental aspects of the project.


Why Choose

Apave India ? 

Number 1

Our customer relationship approach

Apave is the right choice for clients who are looking for a trusted company with a solid international reputation. The loyalty and trust of our clients is a testament to our commitment to providing quality services. Apave constantly strives to exceed your expectations in terms of safety and compliance.
Number 2

Our competitive prices

Our teams are committed to responding quickly to your requests by offering quality services at competitive prices. All of our service rates can be adapted to your needs.
Number 3

Our core values

Our group is built on strong values: customer focus, independence, professionalism, and integrity and respect. These values help shape our culture and work environment and ensure that our employees all work towards the same goals. These values are embedded in all of our processes, from staff training to service delivery, ensuring quality services.